Register 300 Seats Remaining
In this thought-provoking drama, "Collateral Beauty", an executive struggles with personal loss. As he confronts the truth he learns how even deep loss reveals moments of beauty. Rated PG.
We will be watching "Collateral Beauty" at the Sarnia Library Theatre. In this thought-provoking drama, "Collateral Beauty", we meet a successful executive who struggles with personal tragedy. With his friends help, he confronts truth in a profound way. This film explores how even deepest loss reveals moments of beauty.
This film is rated PG and has a run time of 94 minutes .
All film screening at the library are free!
The Sarnia Library houses a 306-seat accessible theatre. Up to nine seats can be removed to accommodate barrier free seats.
The theatre is equipped with LED lighting along aisles, wall sconces and ceiling, sound equipment, projection screen, stage, lobby area with servery and barrier free washrooms.