Register 304 Seats Remaining
Watch "Moana", an epic adventure film rated G.
We will be watching "Moana" at Sarnia Library Theatre. A mythic adventure set around 2,000 years ago across a series of islands in the South Pacific. The film follows the journey of a spirited teenager named Moana as she meets the once-mighty demi-god Maui, and together they traverse the open ocean, encountering enormous fiery creatures and impossible odds.
This film is rated G and has a run time of 107 minutes.
All film screenings at the library are free!
The Sarnia Library houses a 306-seat accessible theatre. Up to nine seats can be removed to accommodate barrier free seats.
The theatre is equipped with LED lighting along aisles, wall sconces and ceiling, sound equipment, projection screen, stage, lobby area with servery and barrier free washrooms.