Register 300 Seats Remaining
Watch "Point Break", an intense action thriller rated 14A.
We will be watching "Point Break" at Sarnia Library Theatre.
A young FBI agent infiltrates an extraordinary team of extreme sports athletes he suspects of masterminding a string of unprecedented, sophisticated corporate heists. Deep undercover, and with his life in danger, he strives to prove these athletes are the architects of the mind-boggling crimes that are devastating the world's financial markets. Filmed on four continents, North America, Europe, South America and Asia, "Point Break" presents extraordinary feats performed by the world's top extreme sports athletes, and involves some of the most daring exploits ever committed to film.
This film is rated 14A and has a run time of 113 minutes.
All film screenings at the library are free!
The Sarnia Library houses a 306-seat accessible theatre. Up to nine seats can be removed to accommodate barrier free seats.
The theatre is equipped with LED lighting along aisles, wall sconces and ceiling, sound equipment, projection screen, stage, lobby area with servery and barrier free washrooms.